Welcome to Tuned-Light
Our Wish is your COMFORT
Mission Statement
Tuned-Light tries to incorporate light therapy treatment as a normal part of the day. For many patients, compliance is the biggest problem when it comes to treating SAD. This is often due to an uninspiring and tedious experience with the light therapy lamps available. Despite its scientifically proven efficacy, state-of-the-art light therapy products provoke a lack of motivation in people, thus leading to a fallback into depressive mood. Including affected into a community, providing them a platform to exchange their thoughts and making the treatment actually a fun and intrinsically motivated part of the day is the mission of Tuned-Light.
Vision Statement
Since seasonal affected disorder is a natural appearing mood disorder, there is no actual possibility to eliminate its symptoms. Instead, the question must be how to cope with SAD. Therefore, the vision of Tuned-Light is to support those affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder to live a happy and self-determined life throughout the year

Why Us?
psychologist visits can be very costly and time consuming. Having a preventive lighting system at home or work place ensures clients’ health and prevents such spending. Have clear clinical advantage as it prevents a major depression
Reduction in mental health spending
The product (software) is easy to use and works smartly
Easy to Use
Our pricing could be our most significant competitive advantage, as we intend to offer product in a very affordable range, especially for individuals, so our client can identify the results and relate it to cost savings.
Fair Price
reduction of employee helps businesses to optimize their performance
Optimizing worker schedule
Team Members
Seyedeh Samaneh Mirnezami
Technical Manager
From start of the idea and project, Seyedeh is developing the product, till now
Samaneh Noorani Nahad
Several Years of Experiences and her related Educations support her to do her jobs well
Fatemeh Moradi
CRM and Architecture
She is developing the idea according to the architectural aspects. Also, she is demonstrating the Product
Who can use the Product?
Northern countries' residences thoses have experience of long days and/or nights
The people who experience d and involving the Cyrcidian Arythmia, to have a better life

For pationts who have challenges of psychological diseasesto obtain light therapy
